Little Ellie

Over the last year I have spent much of my blog time reading about a little girl named Ellie Skees. She passed away a few days before Christmas. She was only 9. Her mother Sarah has been an amazing pillar of strength and yet is so tender and real that it has forced me to reevaluate the priorities in my own life. Tues. is her memorial service and although I'd love to go there is no one to watch our kids. I think Ellie would understand. She would want to be home with her parents. I wish for them a time of laughter, joy and healing. What a gift a life is. Every time we waste time complaining we should remember those life Ellie. Life's short. Wear a smile more often, have no makeup days, drink a fun drink for no reason, eat chocolate whenever you want it, love a whole lot more. Yes LOVE a whole lot more!


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