Short Temper or Everybody Today Really was Rude!
What a day! I do not know if I got up on the wrong side of the bed or everybody else did. It was crazy! I called different companies trying to get rates on some things and everyone I talked to had an attitude! I mean everybody! Why would I ask this and why did I need that! Then, I went to the YMCA to rejoin and they had agreed to waive part of the membership fee for our teen. I knew this and then asked how much for a family membership, the woman behind the counter, when asked for a final price by me said, this is the price and I do not know why you expect something for nothing....I NEVER ASKED FOR MORE MONEY OFF. So, I said NEVERMIND. I told her that I didn't like her and left! I walked. I guess it was a little 3 year old ish.(Is that a word?) But, I didn't care. I am tired of every one's attitude! PERIOD! I am going to bed early and maybe everyone else should too.