Changes, Changes, Changes and More Changes
Caleb is home, and the challenges that come from home schooling are unique in their own way. It is the right answer for him. It's just hard to believe that he needs a middle school load. He acts like I am going to hold his hand all of the time and that just isn't possible. I need him to grow up at least a little bit. We are awaiting the math class online. Once that starts he will have to be accountable to at least one other teacher other than Mom.
Alice our two year old just moved into toddler bed mode. That means the ability to leave her bed at anytime. 10 at night, 2 at night, 5 at night, nap time. I think that this is just the beginning of her and my struggle of wills. I will win, oh yes I will! Isn't it strange that we must have our will broke almost to know what it means to be obedient. It's like that with God. He wants us to be WILLING to follow him. We just seem to need to crawl out of bed a lot before we get the whole picture. Why is that???
Our high schooler Andrew is loaded down with home work. He is busy busy busy. he is beginning to think about colleges and wanted that 4.0 that most college expect. EXPECT! Not really fair I don't think.
So, hopefully tom. my baked goods will turn out better. (I had a sad attempt at homemade bread today.) My patience will be a bit stronger. It will only take 59 minutes instead of 60 to get Alice down for a nap, and Caleb will be a tad bit more independent. So here's a quote form my wonderful husband.
"When our children are born our job as parents is to spend the majority of time making them less dependent on us as their parents and more and more dependent on God, for they are His to begin with."
I married a brilliant man. Oh yes I did.