Homeschooling Again

We put our 11 year old Caleb in middle school this year and wanted to see how he would do. He has been home schooled for 5 year s and has done really well. But, he wanted the middle school experience. It lasted 11 weeks. There were multiple issues. Funny the issues weren't with Caleb. He has all A's and B's. It was problems with the teachers and students. Bullying and nitpicking. I know it's the real world, but has ANYONE ever benefited form bullying at any phase of their lives? So, we jumped right back into the home school routine. He's doing wonderfully. He is also very happy. So we are off and running. New adventures and new studies. Whew, I am glad he is home....


Emma said…
I put up with 10 years (on and off) of bulling during my school years and have had some pretty heavy issues to deal with in adulthood because of it....If home schooling had been at option for me I'm sure things would have been much advice I've had is to embrace who you are quirks 'n' of luck to Caleb
Thank you ever so much Emma!

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