Easter "The Ultimate Sacrifice."
Posted by Isaac Hunter
Pastor of Summit Church Orlando Florida
Holy week’s end is nearing. The week is correctly, but curiously, named. At first hearing, it suggests that remembering the events might make us a little more holy, and maybe it does… Truth be told, I don’t think I am any more holy this week than I usually am, which is never quite as holy as I ought to be.
Then I remember again, that is precisely why this week is named “holy.” It’s not named in our honor; it carries the mark and the moniker of its creator more than its celebrants. Our need for grace, forgiveness, and mercy is precisely what spurred the great Lover of a broken world to come, to be broken for our sake, to be buried beneath the weight of just wrath, and to be raised up— offering new life to old sinners, like me and like you. The great love of God is what makes this week holy. It is that same love (not a particular “week”) that gives us the means of grace to pursue holiness.
This Good Friday, we are having a service at noon to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, and face the truth that our sin made His sacrifice necessary. Saturday, we wait…and on Sunday, the third day, we celebrate the power of God for us in Christ for the sake of the world around us. Holy week is a new beginning…
Then I remember again, that is precisely why this week is named “holy.” It’s not named in our honor; it carries the mark and the moniker of its creator more than its celebrants. Our need for grace, forgiveness, and mercy is precisely what spurred the great Lover of a broken world to come, to be broken for our sake, to be buried beneath the weight of just wrath, and to be raised up— offering new life to old sinners, like me and like you. The great love of God is what makes this week holy. It is that same love (not a particular “week”) that gives us the means of grace to pursue holiness.
This Good Friday, we are having a service at noon to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, and face the truth that our sin made His sacrifice necessary. Saturday, we wait…and on Sunday, the third day, we celebrate the power of God for us in Christ for the sake of the world around us. Holy week is a new beginning…
May we remember and never forget what He did for US!!!