Sick Sick Sick

We'll we are all sick! I do not remember a time when all 5 Johnson's were sick at one time. It's been really yucky! Last night was the worst. Andrew (16) woke up at 2:00 a.m. and came into our room to tell us he had gotten sick. But, he missed the commode??? All I can say is that it took Steve and hour to clean up the mess in the bathroom. It looked like a scene from a horror movie. It took everything for Steve not to join in the carnage. Hopefully it will be gone in a couple of days. Until then I have quarantined us! Love you all but do not stop by.......


Emma said…
Oh, that's not good...get better soon the lot of family have been taking it in turns with illness and injury lately...bugs, viruses, strained muscles, infections...everbody apparently choosing their own ailment, always in competition eg..."My temperature's higher than your temperature" etc....hopefully we've now broken the cycle (touch wood)

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