My Dishwasher is Broken

What I have....
What I want....

My dish washer is broken. I am not happy but the home warranty will somewhat replace it. They look at the date and prorate it! I hope really hope we can find one I really like as much as I like this one!

Now to unload the racks and wash 3 days of dishes....Boo Hoooooooo........


Kimberly said…
Why doesn't your landlord pay to repair or replace it?
Oh yes they do... I will get a new one with the home warranty. All paid for:)
Emma said…
Could not live without the dishwasher anymore....ours is pushing 10 years old and it's ability to wash properly is somewhat hit and miss these days....and what's with the fixation with washing stuff before you put it in the dishwasher to 'get the worst off' as my mother either put dishes in the dish washer OR wash it in the sink right?...right!?

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