What are Your Favorite Fall Shows

I cannot wait to watch them all!


MadeInCanarias said…
Great list! I like House and Lost too!
Jen@Scrapingirl said…
I'm sure my hubby is gonna pull me into Man v. Wild. Happy Monday!!
Unknown said…
I love SYTYCD too- and can't wait to see them on tour next month!!

Annie said…
Great list! I like SYTYCD, too, and forgot to put it on my list! :)
The King Family said…
I have never seen any of those! Must be missing out huh?
Emma said…
I gave up on lost a long time ago...I figure if I just tune in to the final episode it won't leave me half as confuzzled as watching the first coupla series did ;-)

As I'm a sci-fi nut I'll be happy with a touch of Stargate: Universe and Supernatural as well as a bit of Merlin (which starts it's 2nd series here on Saturday) and the next Doctor Who spcial (strictly speaking not a series again until next year but with a sci-fi drought I'll take what I can get)...others which make my list are Crimnal Minds, NCIS (and the new LA version) and from my side of the pond Hustle and Doc Martin
I am stoked that So You Think You Can Dance is back for fall too this year- woohoo! Hope you had a great Monday!
Heather B. said…
Good list! I <3 House!!!
Amber Filkins said…
Lol, so you actually watch Man Vs. Wild!? How can you stomach it!? :)

Great list!

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