Friends Making Mondays

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... Is my pool and our backyard.

I am thinking.... That I am tired of being sick on Mondays

I am thankful... For allof my blessings, and that just when you least expect it God blesses your socks off!

I am praying... For Friends and family, our children, and others across the world

I am reading... Blogs, magazines, and home school stuff

I am creating... The ability to be more physically active

From the kitchen... Brinned pork roast , mashed potatos, and salad.

Around the house... Cleaning, organizing, sorting and purging.

One of my favorite things... The Sun. I live in Florida and I HAVE to have the sun!

A few plans for the rest of the week... Home school, clean, cook, and try to walk and go to the park


Sandy said…
The sun sure is a beautiful thing! I wish it would show itself here today!

Have a great day!
Meghan said…
What's coming out of the kitchen sounds good!
Unknown said…
Well I applaud you for homeschooling. That rocks. I love FLorida. My son used to live there. Happy FMM!
shortmama said…
Yum your food from the kitchen sounds yummy!!

Happy FMM!
Rhonda said…
Hi, I love Florida. I could use some of that sun today! I would LOVE to have a pool. It will happen at our next home!

Yummy, I bet your kitchen is smelling so good!
Jen@Scrapingirl said…
I am a fellow homeschooler also. And, I think Mondays are the best and worst days. :) Sorry you're not feeling well.
mindy2780 said…
I should be organizing and purging things in my house too. Good for you for getting it done!
I miss the sun, we have lots of rain right now.
Happy FMM!
Skooks said…
Oh, how I miss the sun! I live in MI and it is positively GLOOMY here this time of the year. A few days ago we actually had sunshine and for some reason I had a much better day. Hmm . . .

Happy FMM!
Heather said…
Oh the I miss you. Please make a visit to Ohio soon!!
Unknown said…
Don't you just love it when God blesses you in unexpected ways?!? Hope you have a great week.

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