Not Myself

Howdie all- I need to write for a few minutes maybe I'll feel better. I just have not felt like myself lately. I have not wanted to get up and get ready int he morning. I have not wanted to go anywhere, I have not wanted to cook or clean or anything! I think I am depressed. I have been a few times in my life. Post partum depression being the worst! The summer is here and we are not going anywhere, we have no way to go and do many things, I am just sad. I would like to feel that is alright to be this way for a little while but it really is a bummer. So today just for kicks I did my hair, painted my nails and got ready for the day even though I feel at this moment it's a waste of good makeup and hairspray. We'll see what the rest of the day holds. Hopefully I'll feel better as I go along. Happy Friday. Whoo hoo....:(


Unknown said…
Sometimes faking it is the best way to get going. :) Hope things are better soon! I'll be praying.
Emma said…
I completely understand how you feel as I recently had to go back on meds for the third time in two years...sending positive vibes your way...I'm sure your kids will help make you smile in the way only kids can :D

hopefully i'll have some pretty English countryside walks on my blog for you to enjoy...if only the English summer would co-operate.
Kimberly said…
Cheer up girl, I am looking at playing nurse maid to my mom for the rest of the year! She is celebrating her birthday tomorrow, and Monday is when she goes to Shands in Gainesville to start the meds to her heart transplant. So keep us all in your prayers.

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