PLanning for the Year
O.K. now that I have all but our math materials for next year I have to plan a curriculum. So in the next few days, before my high schooler gets out of school and the house is super busy, I will be taking everything out and placing it in front of me to plan. I have the entire bookstore of resources from the creation museum in Kentucky, I have Total Language Plus a literary program, I have Grade 8 Wordly Wise Vocabulary, I have 5 Finger Paragraph for writing, I also have a money management course, I have to get the math , and I have a great Middle Schooler Planner! Plus, all of the books to read and more..... I really could use a weekend just to do this. But, I pride myself on getting things done no matter what goes on around me. So for this amazing son of mine's 8th grade year we should be off and running. I really feel that it will be fun and exciting. Happy Tuesday!