Just for Fun!

I need a little fun so here it goes. Little known facts about me. (About u if you chose to participate.) Answer if you can:
1. I sleep with a beanie pillow, cannot sleep without it. It was missing for two days after we moved. NOT GOOD!
2. I went to college to be a concert pianist. Now I do not even own a Piano. My how life changes.
3. My middle name is Renee.
4. I LOVE books! One day when I grow up I want to be a Librarian.
5. On my Mother's side of the family we were traced back to Pocahontas. Thus, the powwowprincess.
6. Our little girl Alice was named after her two great Grandmother's. One's first and one's middle. Alice Amelia Johnson.
7. We have moved 8 times in our marriage and I have moved over 25 times in my life.
8. I left part of my heart in Austria in college and I would love to go back and minister to the people there. I lived there and I speak German.
9. I love high heels, dresses and I do not like to get dirty unless it's planned.
10. I love being with our children! At any time and any place.
Let me know about you!


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